Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Alex Anderson

I was just reading emails on my phone and got a message from The Quilt Show. I used to watching Simply Quilts on HGTV until they discontinued the show. I felt devastated!!! I no longer subscribe to cable (too expensive...besides, who has time for watching hours of TV???), so I'm not sure what comes on HGTV nowadays. But last I checked, there were no great crafting, sewing or quilting shows. : (

However, one day, a Google search for "Alex Anderson" led me to this really great, super cool website that features, none-other than ALEX ANDERSON  and some guy named Ricky Tims. I'm sure he's a really great guy, but I had never heard of him prior to discovering the website. Check it out... The Quilt Show

I admit, I'm not much of a traditional quilter, here's a pic of a mini quilt that I made...
my latest...but I loved the show (Simply Quilts), and I love the site. You join and can either keep a free membership with limited access to the material on the site, or you can pay a fee and have unlimited access. I really hope this helps someone who misses Simply Quilts and Alex Anderson find another favorite show! : )

The mini quilt I made can be purchased from my Etsy shop: MarciaLarts

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