Friday, July 29, 2011


Okay, I've started my own blog, but it's kinda...well...blah! : (

If you're reading this and can feel my pain, please...please...please help me!  I want to make my blog more visually appealing but I've no idea where to start! If you could or would offer any suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate it.

On a brighter note, here's an  Etsy Treasury list  that I created of some of my Favorite Pink and Green Things! I hope you enjoy!!! Here's a preview of what you'll find there:

by Elegant Snobbery

by LittleThings1

by H0neyburn

I'm looking forward to featuring some tutorials in the near future, so please follow me...and come back soon!!!

Thanks a bunch!
; )

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Alex Anderson

I was just reading emails on my phone and got a message from The Quilt Show. I used to watching Simply Quilts on HGTV until they discontinued the show. I felt devastated!!! I no longer subscribe to cable (too expensive...besides, who has time for watching hours of TV???), so I'm not sure what comes on HGTV nowadays. But last I checked, there were no great crafting, sewing or quilting shows. : (

However, one day, a Google search for "Alex Anderson" led me to this really great, super cool website that features, none-other than ALEX ANDERSON  and some guy named Ricky Tims. I'm sure he's a really great guy, but I had never heard of him prior to discovering the website. Check it out... The Quilt Show

I admit, I'm not much of a traditional quilter, here's a pic of a mini quilt that I made...
my latest...but I loved the show (Simply Quilts), and I love the site. You join and can either keep a free membership with limited access to the material on the site, or you can pay a fee and have unlimited access. I really hope this helps someone who misses Simply Quilts and Alex Anderson find another favorite show! : )

The mini quilt I made can be purchased from my Etsy shop: MarciaLarts

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wow!!! I Finally Did It!!!

I am sooooo excited! Can't believe I finally created my first blog! For several years, I've so enjoyed reading some of the best  blogs ever written, created by what I'm sure are really great people... I've been uplifted, inspired, motivated and taught many new things. And, now it's my turn to share my world with others. I hope I get lots of readers...that would be wonderful! But, even if that doesn't happen, I am going to enjoy every minute of this experience. Finally I have one place to store this gi-normous cyber collection of great stuff I find on the web. Deep breath........hhhhaaaaaahhhhh! Let's get started!